5 décembre 2016 (11:30-12:30- Auditorium)
David Thesmar (MIT)
«Aggregate Effects of Collateral Constraints»
16 décembre 2016 (14:30-15:30 - salle 4)
Marco Bassetto (NBER)
«The Interplay between Financial Conditions and Monetary Policy Shocks»
20 octobre 2016 (14:30-15:30 – salle 5)
Andrea Carriero (University of London)
«Measuring uncertainty and its impact on the economy»
20 septembre 2016 (14:30-15:30 – salle 6)
Guonan Ma (Bruegel Institute)
«« China's debt challenge : stylised facts, drivers and policy implications » »
14 septembre 2016 (11:30-12:30 – salle B230)
Michael Mac Mahon (Univ. of Warwick)
« Central Bank Communication and Inflation Expectations»
9 septembre 2016 (14:30-15:30 – salle 5)
Peter Bossaerts (Univ of Melbourne)
«Experiments on percolation of information in dark markets»
6 juillet 2016 (11:30-12:30 – salle 4)
Fergal MacCann (Bank of Ireland)
«Sources of the small firm financing premium: Evidence from euro area banks»
26 mai 2016 (11:30-12:30 – salle 3)
Bruno Maria Parigi (University of Padova)
«Non-performing loans, underinvestment and bad banks»
18 mai 2016 (11:30-12:30 – salle 3)
Hector Calvo Pardo (Univ. of Southampton)
«Financial information networks and the stock market : empirical survey evidence»
26 janvier 2016 (11:30-12:30 – salle 3)
Julien Hugonnier (Swiss Finance Institute)
«Bank Capital, Liquid Reserves and Insolvency Risk»
Mis à jour le : 19/03/2019 16:52