“Liquidity and Information: an experimental study”.
Aleksander Berentsen*, Michael Mc Bride**, Guillaume Rocheteau***:
* Univ. of Basle and FRB St Louis, ** Univ. of California Irvine, *** Univ. of California Irvine, FRB Cleveland and Univ. Paris 2
“Network risk and Key Players: a Structural Analysis of Interbank Liquidity”
Christian Julliard*, Kathy Yuan*, Edward Denbee**, Ye LI*
*LSE, ** Bank of England
« The real effects of monetary shocks in sticky price models : a sufficient statistic approach »
Francesco Lippi*, Fernando Alvarez**, Hervé Le Bihan***
*University of Sassari, ** University of Chicago, ***Banque de France
American Economic Review (à paraître)
“Entry and exit in OTC derivatives markets”
Tribune dans VOX
Pierre-Olivier Weill*, Andrea L. Eisfeldt*
* Univ. of California LA
Mis à jour le : 09/10/2020 17:57