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8th Journées of the Fondation Banque de France

Macroeconomic policies in a crisis period

21-22 June 2010
Palais Brongniart, Place de la Bourse, 75002 Paris

Monday June 21


09:15 - 09:30Welcome address / Keynote speech : Christian Noyer, Governor of the Banque de France, Fondation’s President


Session 1: liquidity management in a crisis period

Chair: Laurent Clerc (Banque de France, Fondation’s Secretary)


9:30-10:15Dimitri Vayanos (London School of Economics) and Denis Gromb (INSEAD)
Financially Constrained Arbitrage and Cross-Market Contagion

Discussant: Henri Pagès (Banque de France)
10:15-10:45Coffee Break
10:45-11:30Gara Afonso (Federal Reserve Bank of New York), Hyun Song Shin (Princeton University)

Precautionary demand and liquidity in payment system” 

Discussant : Gabrielle Demange (École d’Économie de Paris)


Session 2 : Improving the conduct and the strategy of monetary policy

Chair: Pierre Jaillet (Banque de France, Fondation’s Vice President)


11:30 – 12:15Charles Wyplosz (IHEID Genève), Aileen Gosselin-Lotz (IHEID Genève) et Pierre Gosselin (Grenoble I)

Publication of Interest Rates Forecast by the Central Bank

Discussant: Camille Cornand (CNRS-BETA Strasbourg)
12:15-14:15Lunch : Restaurant Hollywood Savoy

(Meeting/Lunch of the Scientific Council of the Foundation : Club du Palais, Palais Brongniart)
14:15-15:00Carl Walsh (UC Santa Cruz), Federico Ravenna (UC Santa Cruz)

Welfare-based optimal monetary policy with unemployment and sticky prices: a linear quadratic framework

Discussant: Etienne Lehmann (CREST)
15:00-15:30Coffee Break
15:30-17:00Policy Panel: Post-crisis monetary policy strategies

With Carl Walsh (UC Santa Cruz), Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas (UC Berkeley), Richard Portes (London Business School), Giancarlo Corsetti (EUI Florence), Charles Wyplosz (IHEID Genève) and Governor Jean-Pierre Landau

Summary of the panel discussion

Tuesday June 22


Session 3: Economic Policies in the global economy

Chair : Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas (UC Berkeley, member of the Fondation’s Scientific Committee)


9:00-09:45Giancarlo Corsetti (EUI), André Meier (IMF), Gernot Müller (University of Bonn)

What determines government spending multipliers ?

Discussant: Hubert Kempf (Banque de France)
09:45-10:30Jean Imbs (HEC Lausanne), Isabelle Méjean (École Polytechnique) :

Elasticity optimism

Discussant : Philippe Martin (Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris)
10:30-11:00Coffee break
11:00-11:45Ester Faïa (Goethe Universität Frankfurt-am-Main), Pierpaolo Benigno (LUISS Guido Carli)

Globalization, Pass-Through and Inflation Dynamic

Discussant : Argia Sbordone (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
11:45-12:30Marc Flandreau (IHEID Genève), Barry Eichengreen (UC Berkeley)

Central Banks as Architects: The Fed, the Bank of England, and the Making of the Dollar As an International Currency 1900-1939

Discussant : Philip Lane (Trinity College Dublin)
12:30-14:00Cocktail - lunch

Mis à jour le : 19/03/2019 16:54