To attend a seminar. Please signal your attendance in advance by writing to:
Unless otherwise indicated, the seminars take place at the Banque de France, 20 rue du Colonel Driant, 75001 Paris
17 May (11:30-12:30 –room 6)
Burcin Kisacikoglu (Bilkent University): “Missing Events in Event Studies: Identifying the Effects of Partially-Measured News Surprises”.
16 May (11:30-12:30 – room 6)
Maria Loumioti (University of Dallas) “Credit contagion, default risk and bank’s performance”
15 March (16:30-17:30 – room 6)
Christian Zimmermann (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis) “Universal Basic Income versus Unemployment Insurance”
8 March (11:30-12:30 – room 4)
Jesper Lindé (Sveriges Riksbank) “DSGE Models: Still useful in policy analysis?”
7 March (11:30-12:30 – room 3)
Rui Pedro Esteves (University of Oxford) “The Rise of « New Corruption” : British MPs during the Railway Mania of 1845”
9 January (11:30-12:30 –room 4)
Francisco Ruge-Murcia (McGill University) “Extreme Events and Optimal Monetary Policy”
Updated on: 03/19/2019 16:51