« The Federal Reserve, the Bank of England and the rise of the dollar as an international currency, 1914-1939 »
Barry Eichengreen*, Marc Flandreau**
*University of California Berkeley, **IHEID Genève
Open Economies Review, February 2012, volume 23, issue 1, pages 57-87
« Globalization, pass-through and inflation dynamic »
Pierpaolo Benigno*, Ester Faia**
*Luiss Guido Carli and EIEF, **Goethe University
NBER working paper 15842, March 2010
« Imperfect competition in the interbank market for liquidity as a rationale for central banking »
Viral V. Acharya*, Denis Gromb**, Tanju Yorulmazer***
*London Business School, New York University, **INSEAD, ***FRB New York
American Economic Journal : Macroeconomics, April 2012, volume 4, issue 2, pages 184-217
« Welfare-based optimal monetary policy with unemployment and sticky prices : a linear-quadratic framework »
Federico Ravenna*, Carl Walsh*
*University of California, Santa Cruz
American Economic Journal : Macroeconomics, April 2011, volume 3, issue 2, pages 130-162
« Monetary policy and labor market frictions : a tax interpretation »
Federico Ravenna*, Carl Walsh*
*University of California, Santa Cruz
Journal of Monetary Economics, March 2012, volume 59, issue 2, pages 180-195
« Elasticity optimism »
Jean Imbs*, Isabelle Méjean**
*HEC Lausanne, **IMF
IMF working paper 09/279, December 2009
Updated on: 10/09/2020 17:29