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17 January
Olivier Armantier (FED New York)

25 January
Robert Engle (NY Stern University) - "Measuring Systemic Risk"
« La mesure du risque systémique »

2 February
Loran Grady Chollete(UIS Business School)

29 February
Guglielmo Maria-Caporale (Brunel University)

15 March
Dalibor Stevanovic (Université Québec et EUI Florence)

23 March
Francisco Covas (Boards of Governors of the Federal Reserve System)

29 March
Stefan Hirth (Aarhus University)

29 May 
Jim Nason (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia)

1st June 
Juan Dolado (Universidad Carlos III, Madrid)

4 June
Gilles Chemla (Imperial College)

14 June
Nobuhiro Kiyotaki (N.Y.U. and Princeton)

19 juin
Tao L. Wu (Illinois Institute of Technology)
« An Equilibrium Model with Buy and Hold Investors »

13 September
Jean Imbs (PSE)
« The process of economic integration »

18 September
Giuseppe Corvasce (NYU)

27 September
Jean-Paul L’Huillier (EINAUDI)
"Technological Revolutions and Debt Hangovers: Is There a Link?"

25 September
Domenico Giannone (ULB)

2 October
Andrew Siegel (University of Washington)
"Ensuring the Stability of Arbitrage-Free Linear Price Function Models for the Term Structure of Interest Rates"

23 October
Julio J. Rotemberg (Harvard University)

23 November
Michel Robe (American University)

Updated on: 03/19/2019 16:54