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The fourth prize for “Young researchers” eligible to holders of PhD in economics affiliated to a French University since less than 5 years, was awarded to (with mention of research projects):

  • Milo Bianchi (Université de Paris Dauphine), « Financial markets and institutions : bright sides and dark sides »
  • Isabelle Méjean (École Polytechnique), “Commerce et macro-économie internationale”
  • Lucie Ménager (Université de Lille 1),“Économie théorique et communication non stratégique ; théorie des jeux et communication stratégique”

The laureates receive a grant of 2 000 euros and the funding of up to 80 hours release of teaching obligations (subject to their University’s approval).

The selection committee was composed of :
Simon Gilchrist(Boston University), Cyril Monnet (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia) and Thomas Philippon (New York Stern School of Business).

Awarding the Young Researcher in Economics Prize (2011)

The prize was awarded by Robert Ophèle, Deputy-Governor of the Banque de France, at the 9th Journées of the Fondation (24-25 May 2012). The prize was awarded to : Milo Bianchi (University of Paris Dauphine), Isabelle Méjean (École Poytechnique) et Lucie Ménager (Université de Lille 1).

Awarding the Young Researcher in Economics Prize (2008-2010)

Governor Jean-Pierre Landau awarded the Foundation’s Young Economist Researcher Prize to the 9 winners on 7 February 2011 after a workshop dedicated to macroeconomic adjustment within EMU.

Updated on: 12/03/2019 12:04