Call for proposals n° 15
Comparing Different Regulatory Measures to Control Stock Market Volatility: A General Equilibrium Analysis
Bernard Dumas*, Adrian Buss**, Grigory Vilkov** and Raman Uppal***
*INSEAD, ** Goethe University Frankfurt, ***EDHEC
"Systemic Risk in Europe"
Tribune dans VOX
Robert Engle*, Eric Jondeau**, Michael Rockinger**
* Stern School of Business-NYU, ** University of Lausanne
Review of Finance, March 2014, pages 1-46
"What caused the great recession in the Eurozone ? What could have avoided it?""
Tribune dans VOX
Thomas Philippon*, Philippe Martin**
*Stern School of Business NYU, **Sciences Po
"The Process of Economic Integration"
Jean Imbs *, Romain Wacziarg**
*Paris School of Economics, **UC at Los Angeles