The Foundation provides sponsorship, on behalf of the Banque de France, for research in monetary, financial and banking economics. It encourages and supports independent research projects in its main areas of interest.
The Foundation organises events such as seminars, workshops and conferences to disseminate research and encourage the cross-fertilisation of ideas.
The Foundation’s sponsorship initiatives include grants for research in monetary, financial or banking economics, the hosting of visiting scholars and the provision of funding for research conferences and associations.
The Foundation supports promising researchers and awards prizes for the best young researcher and best doctoral thesis in the field of economics.
15 MayAntonio GuarinoUniversity College London
10 MayMarc FlandreauSciences Po Paris
30 MarchViral Acharya, Timothy JohnsonCEPR, London Business School
7 MarchRomain Rancière (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Updated on: 06/15/2017 14:18