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The Young researcher in economics prize was awarded to the following persons (with indication of their research projects) on 12 September 2012:

  • François Legrand (EM LYON): Relationships between risk and uncertainty on the one hand and asset prices and individuals' risk sharing on the other hand
  • Jeanne Hagenbach (CNRS - École Polytechnique): communication within organisations and precisions of declarations
  • Mariana Rojas Breu (Paris Dauphine): 1) Monetary Policy; financial development and welfare 2) Asset liquidity and optimal monetary policy 3) Monetary and financial integration

The Jury was composed of :
Pierre-Olivier Weill (UCLA), Gilles Chemla (Imperial College and CNRS DRM) and François Velde (Fed Chicago).

Updated on: 12/03/2019 12:04