The Young Researcher in Economics Prize was awarded to the following persons (with indication of their research projects) :
- Yinghua He (Toulouse School of Economics). "Answering policy questions with carefully designed empirical strategies"
- Johan Hombert (HEC Paris). "Economics of financial markets and banking"
The jury was composed Fabrice Collard (University of Bern), Frédéric Malherbe (LSE) and Pierre-Olivier Weill (UCLA and PSE).
Awarding the Young Researcher in Economics Prize 2012 and 2013
The Young Researcher in Economics Prizes 2012 and 2013 were awarded by Robert Ophèle on the occasion of the 10th Journée of the Foundation. The Young Researcher in economics prize consists in a felowship of 2 000 euros and the funding (if applicable) of the partial release of 80 hours of teaching obligations. Laureates for 2012 were : Jeanne Hagenbach (CNRS - École Polytechnique) ; François Le Grand (EM Lyon business school) ; Mariana Rojas Breu, (Université Paris Dauphine). Laureates for 2013 were : Michael Brei (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre) ; Eduardo Perez (l'École Polytechnique) ; Philip Valta (HEC Paris school of management).