Call for proposals n°20
At its meeting on 10 February 2016, the Board of the Foundation decided to award a grant of EUR, 30 000 to each of the following projects :
- « Whatever it takes : the real effects of unconventional monetary policy »
Viral V. Acharya*, Tim Eisert**, Christian Eufinger***, Christian Hirsch****
*NYU Stern, **Erasmus Rotterdam University, ***IESE Business School, ****Goethe University
- «Testing for adverse selection in nonexclusive markets»
Andrea Attar*, Thomas Mariotti, François Salanié**, Alessandro Gavazza***
*TSE and Universita di Roma Tor Vergata, **TSE, ***London School of Economics
- «Assessing the long-run effects of financial crises»
Régis Barnichon, Alexander Ziegenbeim*, Christian Matthes**
*CREI Universitat Pompeu Fabra, **FRB Richmond
- «Sovereign debt»
Eduardo Davila*, Charles-Henri Weymuller**
*Leonard N. Stern School of Business, **Direction Générale du Trésor